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and find the CURRENT NEWSLETTER link to view and print the .pdf


Letter from the President:

I am walking very gingerly into the new year.  There have been a lot of changes, switch backs, twists and turns; so many that I am hoping I am pointed in the right direction.  I guess as long as I’ve moving forward and not backwards, things are on track.  At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! 

If you are looking for a little time with your watercolor paints and friends at the Annapolis Watercolor Club, we have just what you’re looking for.  Make sure you read about our Members' Meeting for February 12th, and come prepared to have some fun.  Don't forget to bring a  painting for the Art Salon, and especially don’t forget to bring some sweets treats or healthy choices for our snack table.  Be prepared to splash a little paint and make some fun Valentine cards.  Be sure to try the love potion #9 punch!  You might even look pretty in pink, red or purple for any club photos.  Just bring your playful self to our meeting and you might even win one of our raffles!

Preparations are in order for our wonderful Annapolis Maritime Museum exhibit, “50 Years On The Chesapeake.”  Make sure you pick up a flyer regarding additional parking near the museum.  We will also provide that information for you in an AWC email prior to the exhibit.  A couple of the local businesses have opened up additional parking just for our reception.  We look forward to seeing you there!

If you are looking for a workshop to get you back into painting again, or perhaps you want to learn some new techniques, or enjoy painting landscapes with water – Dale Popovich is returning to do a Two-Day workshop just for us.  You will receive an emailed invitation to register on Feb. 2nd.  The actual workshop will be on Saturday, Feb. 15th and Sunday, Feb. 16th.  We will continue to try to make activities available on weekends.

Another club activity you will not want to miss, is our Plein Air Sketching/Painting event at the Robinson Nature Center in Columbia, MD.  This weekend event is planned for:   Saturday, Feb. 22nd from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.   Be prepared to observe nature up close and personal.  Last year we had a great turn out and so we decided to enjoy this venue again during our cold winter months.  Some of you may wish to have lunch afterwards at a local restaurant. 

Have a Serendipitous Month and Special Valentines Day!

Juanita Green, President

P.S.  I remember watching a movie called “Serendipity” years ago.  It was sweet!  On a magical night when they are in their 20’s, Jonathan (John Cusack) meets Sara (Kate Beckinsale).  He finds it love at first sight, but Sara believes in destiny.  After 10 years the two – with 3,000 miles between them – must decide if fate wants them to be together again.  When love feels like magic, it is called destiny; when destiny has a sense of humor, it is serendipity.

Juanita Green, President

February 12 - In-Person Meeting
Seelos Hall at St. John Neumann Church

12:00 pm   Art Salon Display and Critique
01:00 pm   Juanita Green will host our General Meeting
01:30 pm   Valentine Fun and Games

In Person

Bring your art work in process, or framed work, to our in-person Members' Meeting at Seelos Hall.  There are plenty of table easels available to set up your art.  We will also have paper and pens available for members to leave "encouraging remarks," which you can take with you after the exhibit.  We want to see what you have been up to!
  - Connie Robinson

Date & Time: February 12th, 2025 1-4pm

Place: Seelos Hall at St. John Neumann Church, 620 N. Bestgate Rd, Annapolis MD 21401

Details: Join us for a live member’s meeting as we introduce you to some of our favorite watercolor artists online. Each member will be given a set of 3 blank watercolor cards (with envelopes) to paint along with as we learn how to paint 3 unique Valentine cards for the season from 3 different watercolor artist videos online. Learn the pros and cons of painting from tutorials, discover new artists and ideas for your painting repertoire. We will also be serving up two Valentine mocktails: Pink Lady Punch, and Love Potion Number 9!  And for those who stay until the end, we will be raffling off two $40 gift cards to Blick Art.

What to Bring: Your paints, brushes and other painting supplies in smaller size. (Keep in mind that there are 8 people to a table at Seelos Hall and we want to make sure there is room for everyone.) Also, we invite everyone to bring a snack or dessert to share with the group.


Our President, Juanita Green, interviewed Jennifer during our Zoom meeting at her studio in Towson, Maryland.  It was interesting to learn Jennifer's background, her training, education, experience and the many exhibits where she has shown her art.

When she was showing us her technique for painting her soft, subtle colors Jennifer mentioned that she pre-wets within shapes before brushing in color.  For brown tones, she uses red orange and blue green.  And she uses "true spectrum colors."  For more information about her art and Littleton School of Art, visit her web site.https://jmlittletonart.com/

Plein Air Events
By Jan Morris, Sketching/Plein Air Chair
If you have any questions, contact Jan: 

Sign up for any of our sponsored events via our AWC website: 

Robinson Nature Center, Saturday, February 22, 10 am – 1 pm.
6692 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044-4031 

PleinAir events are back! We are excited to host this indoor event at the Robinson Nature Center. Select animals will be displayed on 4 tables each seating 6 people in a private room. A Red Fox, a Barred Owl catching a mouse, a Northern Flicker and a Scarlet tanager are few examples available to you. The area surrounding the nature center is wooded with a path to the river, if you are interested in braving the cold weather.

COST: $10. Entry into the center is included in the rental fee. Just tell the front desk folks you are here for AWC Plein Air painting.

Food Options: Bring your own Food. If you are looking for a lunch venue after painting, there are lots of options in the Merriweather district as well as a multitude of restaurants surrounding the Mall in Columbia.

Register on our AWC web site:

2025 potential plein air locations: The Vineyards at Dodon or Lovejoy Vineyeards, Willow Oaks Herb Farm, Chesapeake Homestead, Harris Crab House area, Adkins Arboretum and more!

Two-Day Valentine Zoom Workshop
With Dale Popovich

"Painting the Magic of Flowing Water,
Ripples & Cascades"

When:   Saturday, February 15 & Sunday, February 16, 2025

Time:   10:00 am - 12:30 pm (break for lunch) then 1:00 - 3:30 pm EST (both days)

Where:  Online Zoom - log in link is provided in your email the morning of the workshop.  

Cost:  $150.00 for members/ $175.00 for non-members

Registration will begin on February 2nd. Another email will be sent with the link to register.  Dale's Valentine Treat will be a gift of ONE of THREE of his workshop paintings: Names of registrants of the workshop will be drawn from a hat.

Let Dale transport you to the lovely woods of Wisconsin
to paint the beautiful stream, rivers and waterfalls.  

Dale Popovich

Artist's Statement:

I have been a watercolorist and art instructor for over 40+ years and firmly believe that it's important for the artist to know the fundamentals of art, drawing, composition, perspective, and color theory.  Only a foundation in these basics allows artists to give their imaginations free rein, to depart from reality (a little or a lot) to create a unique and personal vision.



We begin the celebration of our golden anniversary with an outstanding exhibit at the Annapolis Maritime Museum, located at 723 Second Street in Annapolis.  The exhibit of 50 watercolor paintings by our AWC members, depicts the many and varied aspects of the Bay we all cherish, from the wildlife and vessels, swimming and fishing, to the simple pleasures of viewing placid marshes and sunshine on the water. 

The exhibit begins February 18 and will continue until March 16. The Museum is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. 

There will be a non-alcoholic reception on Friday, February 21, from 5:00 to 7:00 where our judge, Moh’d Bilbeisi, will announce the winners and present awards. Please join in the celebration and invite your family and friends to join us for this festive event. 

Parking for the reception, after 5:00 pm, will be available  at Horn Point Marina (30 spaces), 105 Eastern Avenue, and the parking lot next to the Weems & Plath office (20 spaces) 214 Eastern Avenue. This is a residential neighborhood so street parking is limited and car pooling is encouraged. Please do NOT park in the Eastport Yacht Center directly across the street from the museum entrance. 

Looking ahead to the next few months, we have once again been invited to participate in the Earth Day Festival at St. Luke’s Church, 1101 Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis (Eastport). Save the date, Saturday, April 26 and plan to enter a painting relating to Earth Day. It is a one-day event filled with activities, talks and performances and always draws an enthusiastic crowd. We’ll have more details in future newsletters.

Be sure to plan ahead to participate in our shimmering Golden Jubilee celebration at Quiet Waters Park, May 21 to July 6, where all our paintings will be embellished with gold. This is a large space that comfortably holds 80 paintings, so there’s room for at least two paintings per artist. The AWC website will be open to receive entries on April 1st and will remain open to members only until April 15, at which time it will be opened to the public, but still remain open to members, until the deadline of April 21 or a maximum of 80 paintings, which ever comes first. This is an all-hung exhibit with a juror who will award first, second and third place prizes.

Joan Machinchick, Exhibits Chair

Karen DeGraffenreid

By Connie Robinson

Karen Elaine DeGraffenreid is a local resident who discovered a passion for art after retiring from the AACPS school system. Her paintings are inspired by places in nature, both nearby and in travels around Europe. Her style depends on how she “sees” the subject through her photographs. 

Karen belongs to the Annapolis Watercolor Club, Gallery 57 through the Annapolis Arts Alliance, the Annapolis Arts Council, and the Baltimore Watercolor Club Society.

Below are samples of her beautiful art work.


What Are Our AWC Members Up To?

Some of our AWC Members also belong
to the Baltimore Watercolor Society

"B'more Blooms" (14 x 22", $1,100) by Nancy Flack (@nancy.flack) was a featured painting from the Baltimore Watercolor Society "From Pigment to Pixels" All-Member Online Exhibition.

Flack comments: "Being born and raised in Baltimore, downtown and the harbor area hold many fond memories for me. This painting hopefully conveys some of the magical beauty of the city that is often overlooked."


Thank you to all of you who have renewed your membership for 2025!  We already have 178 active members this year, including seven new members this month. Anyone who was a member last year but has not yet renewed is now considered ‘lapsed’, and will no longer be receiving emails from AWC.  If someone you know mentions that they did not receive this newsletter, please remind them that they should check whether they are paid up for the year.  If they think they have sent a check or made a payment, they can contact me or Juanita Green and we will be able to check on it for them.

Liz Grimes, Website Administrator


Grey skies, cold winds, snow and ice on the ground. All good reasons to stay hunkered down inside where it is nice and warm and hopefully give you more time and inspiration to paint. This type of weather can also lower the mood a bit and so is a good time to support each other with a bit of a pick-me-up. Do let the Sunshine Club help if you know someone that could use a bit of cheer. We'll send off a delightful Jacquie Lawson e-card to lift the spirits. We are also happy to send congratulatory messages if needed. If you, or someone you know would benefit from one of our beautiful e-cards, please send their name, email and occasion to  sunshine.AWC.dw@gmail.com .

Thank You, Dina Weavers

AWC CALENDAR 2024-2025
(click here to print copy with more details)


6 7 pm Board Meeting

12 1- 4 pm In-Person Members' Meeting, Seelos Hall, St. John Neumann Church

6 7 pm Board Meeting
6:30 Art Salon
7 pm Member's Meeting
7:15 pm Painting Demo TBD


February 18 - March 16, 2025
Annapolis Maritime Museum, Eastport


Feb 15 & 16, Dale Popovich



February 22
Robinson Nature Center, Columbia MD

Below are the dates and locations for our 2025 Members' Meetings:

February 12 - Seelos Hall at St. John Neumann Church, Annapolis 1-4 pm
March 12 - Zoom meeting 6:30-8:30 pm
April 9 - Seelos Hall, 1-4 pm (Spring Fling Exhibit with David Lawson)

May 14 - Zoom meeting 6:30-8:30 pm

June 11 - Seelos Hall, 1-4 pm

(July and August, no meetings)

Sept 10 - Zoom meeting 6:30-8:30 pm

Oct 8 - Seelos Hall, 1-4 pm

Nov 12 - Zoom meeting, 6:30-8:30 pm

Dec 10 - Seelos Hall Holiday Party 1-4 pm

Do you have an article to submit?  Any friends having an art exhibit? 
Email the article to Connie Robinson, Newsletter Editor constancejr@comcast.net

Contact Information for
AWC Board Members and Committee Chairs

Emails also updated at www.annapoliswatercolorclub.org


President, Juanita Green

Secretary and Special Projects,
Richard Schatz, 443.482.9553

Treasurer (open)

Vice President, Eileen Hempel

Webmaster, Liz Grimes

Newsletter Editor, Connie Robinson


Exhibits, Joan Machinchick


Hospitality (open)

Art Salon, Andrea Naft


Sunshine Club, Dina Wevers 

Plein Air / Sketching, Jan Morris

Publicity, Cynthia Marlette-Adams


As noted below, we have the following volunteer positions open. 
Please consider serving a two-year term for one of these fun jobs!


Email our President, Juanita Green, for more information
about any of these positions. 
Or email the person in the job at the present time. 

Copyright © 2024 Annapolis Watercolor Club, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you “opted in” via our website.

Our Mailing address is:
Annapolis Watercolor Club
PO Box 6030, Annapolis, MD 21401-0030