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and find the CURRENT NEWSLETTER link to view and print the .pdf


Letter from the President:

Only two months into the year and already we have accomplished so much!  This year we are reaching out into the public to bring awareness about our club.  With the help of our Publicity Chair, Cyndy Marlette-Adams, we have already received great press releases about the Annapolis Maritime Museum exhibit and about celebrating our 50th Anniversary all year long.  We encourage you to bring your friends to our events and invite new watercolor enthusiasts. 

This year we are celebrating our 50th Anniversary all year long!  To begin this celebration, we had our reception for our “50 Years On The Chesapeake” exhibit at the Annapolis Maritime Museum on Friday, February 21.  This was a catered event and we had one of our favorite artists and teachers as our awards judge, Moh’d Bilbeisi.  He chose the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards, while Annapolis Maritime Museum docent Dianne Rosso chose two Honorable Mentions and Eileen Hempel’s son, Thomas, picked the Children’s Award.  It made for a fun evening with AWC members, family and friends.  You can read more about the evening and see a few photos in this  Newsletter. 

We also had a two-day workshop with Dale Popovich which was very informative, as always.  We learned how to paint water flowing over waterfalls and down rivers.  We painted our first painting with only three colors, the second painting with four colors, and the third painting with only five colors.  This limited palette of colors was meant to teach us how you can bring unity to your painting with limited colors.  We each received 23 pages of information, including value sketches, color mixing challenges and information to help us exceed at painting the chosen subject matter.  At the end of the two days, Dale Popovich even gave away his three class paintings to randomly selected members of the workshop.  Juris E., Carol C., and Joan M. were the happy recipients to win Dale’s paintings.  Congratulations to them and what a great two days painting scenes from the lovely woods of Wisconsin. 

The morning after our reception at the Annapolis Maritime Museum, we gathered at the Robinson Nature Center to sketch and paint birds and small animals.  There was a lovely fox which many people sketched, a barred owl, a green heron, a blue jay, a red tanager, another smaller owl and many other birds.  It’s always fun to see these birds and animals in the woods, but how much better to see them close up and be able to inspect how beautiful they really are.   A few sketches may may be in our Newsletter.  Thanks Jan Morris, our Sketching/Plein Air chair!

This year it is all about sharing with others what our club has to offer!  The more the public knows about us, the more opportunities will come our way and the more our members should want to be a part of the planning and creation of upcoming programming and events.  If you would like to participate, all you have to do is ask!  

Juanita Green, President

P.S. What are you painting for our 50th Anniversary Exhibit at Quiet Waters? 

Hopefully You Are Dreaming of a Painting in Gold!

March 12 - Zoom Meeting - Special Start Time

1:00 pm   Art Salon With Andrea Naft

1:30 pm   General Meeting with AWC President, Juanita Green
1:45 pm   Painting Demonstration with Michal Jasiewicz from Poland


March 12, 1 pm with Andrea Naft

Please consider presenting paintings at the Zoom Art Salon on March 12, 2025.  Email your JPGs to Shannon Kelly, skelly823@gmail.com, and Andrea Naft, (anaft123@gmail.com), no later than Saturday, March 8. Please include your name, title of work, size, and a description of the work.

You can include what your inspiration or purpose for the painting, process, or anything else you would like to share, including questions for improvement or problem solving.

Andrea Naft and Shannon Kelly

March 12 Guest Artist - Michal Jasiewicz from Poland


"Details matter, but simplicity even more." - MJ

We will have more information soon about Michal Jasiewicz, our Zoom guest painting demonstrator

But by way of introduction, visit Michal's web site and see his beautiful paintings:

gallery — Michal Jasiewicz

You can also find him on YouTube and Facebook.  Facebook

Review By Juanita Green

This was an immersive paint-along Zoom workshop experience February 15-16 with Dale Popovich for AWC members.  Using transparent watercolors and a limited palette, we captured the tranquil waterways, cascading waterfalls and

endearing landscapes of northern Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Each participant was provided with a 23-page specially created PDF workbook, containing reference materials.  The paint-along method allowed everyone to observe and create techniques in real time, offering a powerful way to internalize the process.

It was a wonderful two-day workshop with Dale and his wife Marilee; who are two of the most humble and generous people we know.  In fact, they even gifted three (3) randomly selected participants with Dale’s workshop paintings.


Here are two samples of Dale's paintings from the workshop:


Plein Air Events
By Jan Morris, Sketching/Plein Air Chair:

Sign up via our AWC website: https://annapoliswatercolorclub.org/  

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 –Sketching, Outdoor Painting, and Plein Air Tips at The Vineyard at Dodon, Davidsonville, Maryland

This venue is a family farm and vineyard tucked away from the bustle of downtown Annapolis. It is an easy drive from US50 and only 11 miles from downtown Annapolis. The indoor building is modern, rustic and smells of fresh cut wood. Large windows open up views of vineyards, fields, horses and the occasional sheep for indoor sketching. If the weather is nice, we can stay outside and paint under a pavilion, or use picnic tables and chairs. At the event’s end, please share your favorite plein air tip with us. See you there and let’s hope for a warm, sunny day!

ADDRESS: 391 Dodon Road, Davidsonville, Maryland 21035 https://www.dodonvineyards.com/

PARKING: Follow the parking signs and park behind the main building. There are plenty of close spots and the front area is accessible.

COST: $10 to pay for 4 hours of service

REGISTER:  https://annapoliswatercolorclub.org/event-6092617

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, March 25, 10 am – 2 pm  

RAIN DATE: Thursday, March 27

FACILITIES: Easy access to indoor restrooms. Fresh water will be brought to the tables. Bring snacks or a lunch to enjoy. No wine will be served during the event.

Special thanks to Carol Kramer for her help with upcoming plein air events.

Plein air events attract a multitude of artists from beginner to professional levels. You can find a select list of  2025 plein air events highlighted in Maryland at: https://www.visitmaryland.org/list/plein-air

Sketching/Plein Air Event at Robinson Nature Center
Review By Juanita Green

Thanks to Jan Morris, AWC hosted its second event at the Robinson Nature Center on Friday, February 22nd.  We met there at 10:00 AM and stayed until 1:00 PM -- plenty of time to sketch or paint two or three subjects.  We had lots of subjects to choose from.

There were owls, ducks, herons, a fox, scarlet tanager, woodpeckers and many other birds.  If you cannot get out in nature, this is a place to get up close and personal.  Each time I go I pick different subjects and really enjoy relaxing while sketching.



February 18 to March 16 

This beautiful exhibit at the Annapolis Maritime Museum was installed on Monday, February 17th, with wonderful assistance from Stacy Lund Levy and Kris Angelis. There are 50 paintings (because it is our 50th anniversary, of course!), representing marine, maritime and ecological life on the Bay, including seascapes, boats, birds, crabs, fishermen, swimmers and much more. Thanks to all the artists who participated.

L-R Dianne Rosso, Juanita Green, Eileen & Thomas Hempel, Moh'd Bilbeisi

The festive reception on Friday evening, February 21, was well attended and everyone had glowing comments about the paintings. Our judge, Moh’d Bilbeisi, announced his winners:

First Place $300: Annette Uroskie, “Light on Water Study”

Second Place $200: Stacy Lund Levy, “Taking the Plunge”

Third Place $100: Rita Grau, “Handsome Heron”

Two Honorable Mentions $50 each were selected and presented by Diane Rosso, a long- time docent at the museum. They were awarded to:

Sharon Porter: “Waterman’s Sunrise” 

Mary Shelsby: “A Bushel and a Peck”

The special surprise Children’s Award was selected and presented by six-year-old Thomas Hempel and went to Shirley Apple Jenkins for her painting, “Wading”

First Place Annette Uroskie, “Light on Water Study


Second Place: Stacy Lund Levy, “Taking the Plunge”

Third Place: Rita Grau, “Handsome Heron"

Honorable Mention:
Sharon Porter: “Waterman’s Sunrise”

Honorable Mention:
Mary Shelsby: “A Bushel and a Peck”

Children’s Award: Shirley Apple Jenkins, “Wading”


Please stop in and see the exhibit when you have a chance. It is definitely worth seeing. The address is: 723 Second Street, Annapolis. The museum is open Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Mention you are visiting the art exhibit so you don't have to pay an entrance fee to the museum -- unless you want to take advantage of a tour.

This exhibit ends on Sunday, March 16 with pick up on that day between 1:00 and 2:00 pm. Note that the museum closes at 3:00, so please don’t be late. 

Meg Viviano of Chesapeake Bay Magazine wrote a lovely review of the exhibit. Do check it out and enjoy:


Connie Robinson with her painting: "Vanishing Skipjacks"

Linda Luke, Juanita Green,
Eileen Hempel

Linda Luke with her painting:
"A Sail Beyond an Oxford Garden"


April 26

This celebration will take place on Saturday, April 26 and we are, once again, honored to be invited to participate. 

Bring your paintings reflecting any nature-related themes, including but not limited to landscapes and waterscapes, plants and florals, birds and wild animals, caring for our planet. 

The AWC website will be open to receive your entries on April 1, with a deadline of April 15 or a maximum of 25 framed paintings, which ever comes first. There is a $15.00 entry fee per artist, but no commission. Sales are between the buyer and artist. We’ll have space for two framed paintings per artist, and a maximum of 3 matted pieces per artist for the bins. 

Receiving, on the lower level,  will be on Thursday, April 24, 10:00 to 12:00. Pick up will be on Sunday, April 27, 11:15 to 2:00. Be sure to check in and check out. Please don’t just take your paintings and leave.

St. Luke’s is planning a full day of activities, lectures and performances all day on Saturday, April 26th, starting with a concert on Friday evening. There will be more details in the April Newsletter

Jan Morris is planning some plein air painting opportunities for us in the beautiful grounds and woodlands behind the church.  More details in the April newsletter.



May 21 to July 6

Our highly anticipated “Golden” 50th Anniversary Exhibit will be held at the Quiet Waters Park Visitors Center, in Annapolis, MD, from May 21st to July 6th. The awards reception will take place on Sunday, May 25th, from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

Celebrating our Golden 50th Anniversary, the theme for this exhibit is GOLD! Each and every painting must contain some form of gold in it. This could be golden yellow, golden color paint, metallic gold paint, gold ink, gold foil, real gold leaf, etc. Use your imagination, and help us bring our Golden Anniversary to life.

The AWC website will be open to receive entries on April 1st, for all AWC members, and will open to non-member artists on April 15th.  The call for entries will close on April 21st, or when 55 member paintings and 25 non-member paintings have been received. 

The entry fee for this exhibit is $15.00 per painting with a maximum of two framed paintings per artist. Commission is 25%. All sales will be handled by the Friends of Quiet Waters Park, and all artists are required to fill out a W-9 form, which includes either your SS or an EIN number if you happen to have one. I have been assured that these documents are handled with care and privacy and will be destroyed appropriately at the end of the exhibit.

This is an all-hung juried exhibit and our judges will be selecting a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for two separate categories: members and non-members. There will also be multiple honorable mentions and a children’s favorite award, with over $1,300 in total prizes.

Receiving will be on Tuesday, May 20th, (times to come), and pick up on Sunday, July 6th, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm 

The Quiet Water’s Visitors Center is located at 600 Quiet Water Park Road, within the Quiet Waters Park, and is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.  When you stop at the gatehouse, inform the volunteer that you are entering to view the art exhibit, so you won’t be charged admission to the park. And, be sure to mention this to your guests coming to the reception as well.

Sharon Porter

I am honored to be chosen the Featured Artist for the March AWC newsletter by Connie Robinson.

Sharon Porter

I was interested in art when young; but, marriage and kids came along and the art was abandoned until I retired.  I started my journey in watercolor painting upon my retirement in 2009 from the Prince George’s County Public Schools System.  From there I went directly to my nearest Senior Center in Edgewater to begin watercolor painting classes with an amazing instructor, Barbara Scheihing.  She was knowledgeable and made it easy to understand the creative ways of watercolor painting, I liked the process and was successful, so I joined the Muddy Creek Artists Guild in 2010, and then the Annapolis Watercolor Club the following year.  Then I began showing my work in exhibits, and, to my surprise, my paintings were well received.  It was rewarding to see my work on the walls with such talented artists.  The talent in these clubs is at a high level of achievement.  I enjoy these small venues where I can feel comfortable in my ability to paint.  I am also a signature member of the Baltimore Watercolor Society, where I have not shown to date,

I like to paint portraits of animals like dogs and cats, and also people doing activities because of the details involved.  I find it difficult to work loosely, as  in landscapes; but, I try now and then,

I particularly like the monthly AWC painting demonstrations and periodic workshops.  They are very enlightening and make me want to try new things.  Please keep them coming!

What Are Our AWC Members Up To?

Kay Fuller Exhibiting Her Work 
(chickadees painting
was sold - red dot)

Bob Fuller also Exhibiting
(two lighthouse paintings sold)

"The Intrepid of the Raft" (23 x23", by Maria Sola-Simon (@mariasolasimon ) is a featured painting from the Baltimore Watercolor Society "From Pigment to Pixels" All-Member Online Exhibition. https://baltimorewatercolorsociety.org/From-Pigment-to...

"My inspiration was on a walk by the river Choptank at the town of Cambridge, MD on February 2024," recalls Sola-Simon. "There were thousands of ducks of several species. There was a spot where  the underwater provided yummy food! 'The Raft' had party time went several ducks will dive unpredictably! and splash!!! Love the challenge of the water! This is just a window of my precious memory! Mallards."

Maria Sola-Simon Featured Artist
With BWS On Line Exhibit


For security, our membership and website software, Wild Apricot, forces users to change their password on a regular basis.  You may try to log in with what you think is a valid user name and password, and find you are unexpectedly prompted to change your password.  That will happen if you have not changed your password for over one year.  It may be annoying, but it’s just adding security.  Administrators are now being required to use dual authentication to log in, adding an extra layer of protection to all of the personal information such as email addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers stored in the data base and accessible to administrators.

Liz Grimes, Website Administrator



Well members... we can dream. Any day now we should see signs of spring and a renewal of hope. Which is just what the Sunshine Club is all about. Please, if you, or someone you know would benefit from an uplifting message or a hearty congratulations, please send their name, email and occasion to  sunshine.AWC.dw@gmail.com

and we will send out a lovely Jacquie Lawson ecard to mark the occasion.

Thank You, Dina Weavers

Do you have an article to submit?  Any friends having an art exhibit? 
Email the article to Connie Robinson,
Newsletter Editor 


(click here to print copy with more details)


March 6 7:00 pm Board Meeting
March 12
- Zoom Members' Meeting
1:00 pm Art Salon
1:30 Members' Meeting
1:45 pm Painting Demo by Michal Jasiewicz

April 3
7 pm Board Meeting

April 9 -  Members' Meeting at Severna Park Library
1-4 pm "Spring Fling Critique" with David Lawton


February 18 - March 16, 2025
Annapolis Maritime Museum, Eastport
April 26 - St. Luke's Episcopal Church
May 21- July 6  Quiet Waters Park Golden Anniversary Exhibit



Tuesday, March 25 
The Vineyard at Dodon, 10 am - 2 pm

Below are the dates and locations for our 2025 Members' Meetings:

March 12 - Zoom meeting 1-4 pm 
April 9 - Severna Park Library, 1-4 pm (Spring Fling Critique with David Lawson)

May 14 - Zoom meeting 6:30-8:30 pm

June 11 - Seelos Hall, 1-4 pm

(July and August, no meetings)

Sept 10 - Zoom meeting 6:30-8:30 pm

Oct 8 - Seelos Hall, 1-4 pm

Nov 12 - Zoom meeting, 6:30-8:30 pm

Dec 10 - Seelos Hall Holiday Party 1-4 pm

Contact Information for
AWC Board Members and Committee Chairs

Emails also updated at www.annapoliswatercolorclub.org


President, Juanita Green

Secretary and Special Projects,
Richard Schatz, 443.482.9553

Treasurer (open)

Vice President, Eileen Hempel

Webmaster, Liz Grimes

Newsletter Editor, Connie Robinson


Exhibits, Joan Machinchick


Hospitality (open)

Art Salon, Andrea Naft


Sunshine Club, Dina Wevers 

Plein Air / Sketching, Jan Morris

Publicity, Cynthia Marlette-Adams


As noted below, we have the following volunteer positions open. 
Please consider serving a two-year term for one of these fun jobs!

Email President, Juanita Green, for more information about any of these positions. 
Or, email the person in the job at the present time. 

Copyright © 2025 Annapolis Watercolor Club, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you “opted in” via our website.

Our Mailing address is:
Annapolis Watercolor Club, PO Box 6030, Annapolis, MD 21401-0030