If you have trouble viewing this newsletter, go to our AWC website
and find the CURRENT NEWSLETTER link to view and print the .pdf


President's Letter

I really enjoyed the snow we had in January!  Yes, I am that person who immediately makes hot chocolate, reaches for a good book to read and positions my chair so I am able to watch the snow falling.   I have always been captivated by the beauty of falling snow!  I can’t think of too many things that are prettier.  I always picture my favorite poem, with the horse pulling the sleigh through the woods, “And having miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."  I even watched Hallmark movies during the snowfall and completely messed up my knitting project.  The hallmark movie made me cry and I was dropping stitches, and missing stitches – so, my project turned into a disaster.  No more knitting while watching Hallmark movies. 

I had an opportunity to go to the Strathmore for their 90th annual Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature.  I was looking for all the watercolor artwork, but there was so much more.  What I didn’t know is that I would be looking through a magnifying glass at some of the pieces.  How anybody can get that much detail into those tiny pieces is utterly amazing.  There were all mediums: watercolor, acrylics, oil, sketching, watercolor, gouache, and other unique types of painting.  One special piece that caught my eye, was a watercolor portrait not much bigger than a silver dollar for $1,800.00.  It was extraordinary!  I enjoyed the show so much, that I want to make this an annual event. 

I am so excited about 2024!  We have so many opportunities for our members!  We have already booked our demonstrators through June, have an upcoming trip to announce, workshops, exhibits and  trying to seal the deal on a plein air trip that will knock your socks off! 

I will be introducing Kathleen Lanzoni as our painting demonstrator at our Member’s Meeting on February 14.  She did a wonderful demonstration for us two years ago and hosted a sell-out workshop.  During that workshop people painted a waterfall landscape and the next day a beautiful yellow bird on pink cherry blossoms.  The instructions were easy to understand and thorough, and everyone’s paintings were lovely.  If you have a moment you might want to go check out Kathleen’s website at:  https://kathleenlanzoni.com/

This year we will be concentrating on specific subjects and techniques which will help elevate your paintings from ordinary to extraordinary.   In February we will be talking about colors and how they can make your painting one that somebody will not forget. 

Have a Happy Valentines Day and Paint Because It Makes You Happy! 

Juanita Green, President

Stacy Lund-Levy with some of her paintings

Thank you, Stacy Lund-Levy, for attending our Members' Meeting on January 10th at Seelos Hall

Even though you were not able to give us a painting demonstration, due to the lack of internet connection, we enjoyed your critiques of the paintings on exhibit at our Art Salon.

Below are photos of some of the art. Thank you everyone who brought your paintings to the Art Salon.

Eileen Hempel assists with the critique.

Juanita Green also helps by holding up the
art work by our members.


Everyone had a good time visiting and watching Stacy's critiques.  We thank those who brought so many snacks to share.  And, we look forward to our next in-person meeting at Seelos Hall
in April for our Spring Fling.

Sheryl Paris Retiring as
AWC Treasurer

At our in-person Members' Meeting in Seelos Hall, AWC President, Juanita Green, honored our long-time Treasurer, Sheryl Paris, as she retires after eight years as our Treasurer (normally, AWC volunteer position run for three years).  Juanita asked all of the members present to sign a Thank You card to Sheryl, and she also gave her a gift certificate for purchasing art supplies from
Blick Art Materials. 

February 14: Zoom Members' Meeting

6:30  pm  Art Salon presented by Connie Robinson

7:00 pm   Juanita Green will host our General Meeting

7:15  pm   Painting Demonstration by Kathleen Lanzoni


Feb 14, 6:30 pm
By Connie Robinson

The goal of the art salon is to share work and share our comments and thoughts.  We are looking for works in progress and finished works.  Viewing the work entered into the salon is inspiring, and gives the viewers  the opportunity to give positive feedback by entering comments in the Chat Room.  Please consider emailing your paintings for the next Art Salon to be held on February 14th, at 6:30 pm.   Email to Connie Robinson at:
constancejr@comcast.net no later than Sunday, February 11th.

Andrea Naft is out of town, and Shannon Kelly is getting ready for an art exhibit.  Therefore, Connie Robinson will organize the slide show and run the  presentation on Zoom.  Come join us!

"To Be Reckoned With"

See other paintings

Kathleen Lazoni

Kathleen is an award-winning artist with a passion for watercolor painting and life! Painting in the studio as well as plein air (outdoors on location), she immerses herself in the fluid and unpredictable qualities of watercolor paint to capture the brilliant light and colors of nature.

Kathleen paints in a realistic painterly style, bringing the effect of changing light and color that describes the atmosphere, context, and shape of the scene to the paper.

Larry Booth

I am, at heart, a landscape artist. What interests me is the play of light, color and contrast. My biggest challenge is getting the composition right, or at least to my liking. I work in both watercolor and oil.  And I find that while each medium has weak and strong points, they inform each other. I continue to enjoy the challenge art brings to me daily.


After a long career with IBM, Larry Booth established his own consulting firm assisting attorneys and law firms with their computer requirements. As a complement to all the left brain computer work, he began taking courses in painting in watercolor and oils.  He studied with Kay Kandra and Don Cook and took courses at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts in Annapolis, and Castle Hill, Truro, on Cape Cod.  Presently, Larry meets weekly with the Artists’ Cooperative in Galesville. Larry’s paintings have been exhibited and sold at various Annapolis galleries.  See some of Larry's art work below:

12" x 12" watercolor on Ampersand Aquaboard


8" x 10" watercolor on Clayboard


What Are Our AWC Members Up To?


Mid-Atlantic Art Exhibit in Gaithersburg, Maryland

Linda Luke invited Richard Schatz and Connie Robinson to visit the wonderful annual painting exhibit by artists from the Mid-Atlantic region.  We had fun, and were inspired by some artists we know: Mathew Bird, Stacy Lund-Levy, and others.


Shannon Kelly is having an art exhibit called "City Life" and will be at the Arts Beacon Gallery in Atlanta, GA, from
February 16-18, 2024

Baltimore Watercolor Society Exhibit

BWS President, Linda Luke, is exhibiting with other BWS artists at the House of Delegates building in Annapolis, 3rd floor. 
Open M-F, 8am-5pm, until March 22.

(L-R) William Braithwaite, David Lawton (exhibit judge), Wendy Braithwaite (AWC member), Cyndy Marlette-Adams (AWC member), Richard Schatz (AWC member)

Annapolis Maritime Museum
123 2nd Street, Eastport
Annapolis 21401

Cynthia Ann Shumaker's Art Show
February 13 - March 10
Gallery Open:
Tuesday - Sunday
10 am - 3 pm

Featuring over 30 paintings:
Chesapeake Bay
Eastport / Annapolis
Nautical Themes

Another Place to Exhibit Your Art
By Eileen Hempel (repeating from last month)

Did you know that the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County owns an exhibit at the Baltimore–Washington International Airport (BWI)?

Exhibits at BWI Marshall Airport provide a wonderful opportunity for local Anne Arundel County artists to showcase their talents to thousands of travelers. Exhibits rotate every 4-5 months, each with a new theme. Anyone can visit the exhibit located between Concourse C & D in departures (pre-security) upper level near the UPS store & door 10. And if you are interested in submitting your artwork for the next installment, visit the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County webpage at  https://www.acaac.org/our-programs/past-exhibits/.

Kathy Daywalt, watercolor, “Tundra Moon”

The current exhibit is BWI Exhibit 38: “Winter Around the World” which is on display November 17, 2023 to March 18, 2024. Participating artists for the current exhibit include our very own Kathy Daywalt, Joan Machinchick, and Annette Uroskie.

Joan Machinchick, watercolor,
“Ravine in Winter”

Annette Uroskie, watercolor on Yupo paper, “Frozen Flowers Melt…Rivers Flow”


Thank you to all who participated in our annual Ginger Cove exhibit. The beautiful paintings were admired by all the residents and guests and there were three sales. We are scheduled to exhibit there again this year, November 16 to January 3, so mark your calendars.

Coming up in late summer/early fall this year is our biannual exhibit at Wimsey Cove. Dates and more information will be in future newsletters. There is no theme or subject matter, just your best work. 

But for now, the exciting news is that we have been invited to again participate in the Earth Day Celebration at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Eastport. Planning is still in the early stages now, but watch for more details in the newsletter as they become available. For now, mark April 26 to 28 on your calendar and plan to exhibit some of your paintings relating to the themes of preservation, nature, water, plants and wild animals. I would like to encourage the plein air painters among you to plan ahead, grab a painting buddy and come out during (or before or after) the festival and paint in the inspiring four acres of hidden woodlands behind the church. At that time of year the woods are colorfully abloom with blue phlox, bluebells and redbud trees. There is a stream running beside the path, and so much more. 

Joan Machinchick, Exhibits Chair



For ONLY the month of March, Sarah Winchester, owner of Art Things at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, is offering AWC members a 10% discount on all purchases.

The current hours, beginning January 3rd, will be M-W-Th 10 am - 3 pm.  The hours may increase in the future, depending on requests.  For inquiries, call 410-878-7786

Next Art Talk will be in March.  Details in the next newsletter.

Do you have an article to submit? 
Any friends having an art exhibit? 
Did you read something art related to share? 

Send the article or link to Connie Robinson, Newsletter Editor,


The weather certainly has given us plenty of painting ideas with the snow and the beautiful sunsets. Unfortunately even a waterscape with the flooding in downtown Annapolis. With luck, brighter days are ahead and we even have Valentines Day to look forward to. If you, or a member you know, needs a little “brightening”, please let the Sunshine Club know so we can send a beautiful Jacquie Lawson email card to help lighten the load. We also send congratulatory messages as well. To have an appropriate card sent, please send their name, email and occasion to  sunshine.AWC.dw@gmail.com and an appropriate card will be sent without delay.

Thank You, Dina Weavers, Chair for Sunshine Club

(click here to print copy)


1 7:00 Board Meeting
14 6:30 Art Salon by Connie Robinson
7:00 Members' Meeting
7:15 Demonstration by Kathleen Lanzoni

7:00 Board Meeting
13 6:30 Art Salon by Andrea Naft

7:00 Members' Meeting
7:15 Demonstration by Stacy Lund-Levy


April 26-28

Earth Day exhibit at St. Luke's Church,
Eastport, Annapolis

Sept (dates TBD)
Wimsey Cove Framing & Fine Art Printing

For planning purposes, below are the dates and locations for 2024 Members' Meetings.

Remember, you can print out the calendar at the above link.


February 14 - Zoom Meeting 6:30-8:30 pm

March 13 - Zoom Meeting 6:30-8:30 pm
April 9 - "Spring Fling" meeting in Seelos Hall 1-4 pm
May 8 - Zoom meeting 6:30-8:30 pm
June 12 - Seelos Hall 1-4 pm
(July and August - no meetings)
September 11 - Zoom meeting 6:30-8:30 pm
October 9 - Seelos Hall 1-4 pm
November 6 - Zoom meeting 6:30-8:30 pm
December 11 - Holiday Party in Seelos Hall 1-4 pm


Our financial status as of January 17, 2024:

Checking             7,809.60

Savings              10,263.93

Total                 $18,073.53

Sheryl Paris

As most of you know, Sheryl is stepping down as our Treasurer, effective January 31, 2024.  She would like to encourage one of our members to consider volunteering for the interesting job.  Sheryl has provided a brief job description.  Please contact Juanita Green, President, if you are interested: Juanitagreen640@yahoo.com

As I am stepping down from my Treasurer duties this month, I wanted to thank you for the well-wishes I received at our most recent meeting. It has been an honor to hold this rewarding position for almost 8 years! The best part was getting to know other artists in the Club and working with them to help keep our club interesting and fun. If someone would like to know more about the Treasurer position, here are the basics.

AWC Treasurer - Key responsibilities:

  • Deposits checks and/or cash, keeping accurate records in QuickBooks and Wild Apricot.
  • Writes checks for monthly Demo artists, and others as necessary. (Other regular bills are on auto-debit.)
  • Reconciles the bank account statement with AWC’s QuickBooks monthly and reports to the Board each month.
  • Visits the PO Box on Legion Ave. for mail (weekly).
  • Very easy prep (online) of State & Federal Tax reports once each year.


As noted below, we have FIVE volunteer positions open. 
Please consider serving a two-year term for one of these fun jobs!


Email our President, Juanita Green, for more information
about any of these positions. 
Or email the person in the job at the present time. 


Don not be fooled!  By now, most of us have learned to recognize scams, but it’s worth repeating the warning.  I receive many emails that appear to be sent from our president, Juanita Green, or occasionally from another board member.  They may ask for help with paying for some club expense, or they may just ask me to contact them, claiming they need help and are not able to call right now.  There is not always anything obvious to arouse suspicion, and I have almost been taken in more than once.  The sender’s name can be easily changed, so if you get an email that seems to be from someone you know but that looks suspicious, the first thing to do is to check the actual email address of the sender.  

Do not respond to the email or click any links.  To be safe, rather than responding to the email, call them, or, if you know their real email address, send a new email and check with them that way.  If the email seems to be from a board member, you can email any board member through the website by going to  ‘board members’ under the ‘members’ item on the menu (https://annapoliswatercolorclub.org/Board-Members).  Our board members have been using their personal email addresses, but will soon be changing to email addresses that use the annapoliswatercolorclub.org domain name, and we hope that will make them easier to recognize as legitimate. 

Liz Grimes


If you are on our mailing list and receiving our newsletter and other emails, we hope you will consider joining us as a full member. You may do so at any time. Our membership year runs from January to December, and dues are still just $35 per year. 

If you were a member last year and have not yet renewed your membership for 2024, you will no longer be allowed to register for exhibits, workshops (at member rates), or other events until your dues are current. We hope that all our 2023 members will be renewing for this year! 

If you are on our mailing list but were not a member previously, please use the membership form found under ‘Join Us’ in the menu (you may use this link: https://annapoliswatercolorclub.org/join-us). 

For returning members: Go to https://annapoliswatercolorclub.org/Sys/Profile and log in, using your email address as your user name and selecting ‘Forgot password’ if you have not logged in before. If your dues are past-due, you should see ‘Invoices and Payments’ with a yellow warning symbol on your profile page. Clicking on that will take you to the payment page. Your on-line payment is secure, but we will still accept checks if you prefer.  Checks should be made out to AWC and mailed to AWC, PO Box 6030, Annapolis, MD 21401. 

Liz Grimes

We are Back on Instagram

We are excited to announce that our Instagram account is back up and running full steam. We will be making regular posts moving forward, to include new and upcoming events, calendars, invitations, resources, and much more.  Anyone can follow us on Instagram.  We are @annapoliswatercolorclub.

For those of you who already follow us on Instagram, thank you for your continued support. For those of you who are new to the platform, please join us as we continue moving forward with art and technology.

Submitted by Eileen Hempel, AWC Vice President

New Emails ForAWC Board Members

We are updating the Annapolis Watercolor Club website to include new official emails for our board members. These new emails will help us with continuity during turnovers with new board members, and assist us in adhering to requirements for document retention purposes. Should anyone wish to reach out to any of the board members the new emails are listed below, and will also be updated via the www.annapoliswatercolorclub.org website.  We are leaving the information below showing names, emails and phone numbers for now, as we add NEW VOLUNTEERS for the open positions listed.

President - Juanita Green - President@annapoliswatercolorclub.org
Vice President - Eileen Hempel - Vicepresident@annapoliswatercolorclub.org

Secretary - Richard Schatz - Secretary@annapoliswatercolorclub.org

Newsletter - Connie Robinson - Newsletter@annapoliswatercolorclub.org
Website - Liz Grimes - Website@annapoliswatercolorclub.org

Submitted by Eileen Hempel, AWC Vice President


President, Juanita Green

Secretary and Special Projects,
Richard Schatz, 443.482.9553

Treasurer (open)

Vice President, Eileen Hempel
503.758.5479, eileeng2413@gmail.com

Immediate Past President, Linda Luke


Exhibits, Joan Machinchick

410.757.7901, joan21409@gmail.com

Hospitality (open)

Newsletter Editor, and Social Media,
Connie Robinson. 

Plein Air/Journal Sketching (open)

Publicity & Program Coordinator (open)

Salon, Andrea Naft
443.255.5353, anaft123@gmail.com

Sunshine Club, Dina Wevers 443.597.2381, high-strung@comcast.net

Webmaster, Liz Grimes,
410.456.2560, lizgrimes@comcast.net

Copyright © 2024 Annapolis Watercolor Club, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you “opted in” via our website.

Our Mailing address is:
Annapolis Watercolor Club
PO Box 6030, Annapolis, MD 21401-0030