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Annapolis Watercolor Club

Celebrating 50 Years of Promoting the Art of Watercolor Painting

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Removing the Fear of Painting With Watercolor

  • Mon, November 15, 2021
  • 9:00 AM
  • Tue, November 16, 2021
  • 12:00 PM
  • Zoom Workshop


for a 2-Day Workshop

I can't think of a better way to start the day, than with 
Mick and his no fear approach to watercolor!

"The fastest way to artistic growth is through the activity of painting!"


Title:  Removing the Fear of Painting with Watercolor

Date:  November 15th & 16th, 2021
Time:  9:00AM - 12:00PM EST
Location:  Online-Workshop 
 You will receive Zoom login 
Members:  $155.00 / Non-members  $175.00 

Day One - Enjoy painting the beautiful fall colors of a New England landscape
Day Two - Enjoy painting a boat on the open water

Mick strives to draw and paint daily.  He is influenced by the real outdoors, natural light and the sights and sounds that influence each painter's creative nature.  He simplifies the complexity of what's in front of him into important shapes and values.  His nature is to be spontaneous so working loose and impressionistically appeals to him.  The magic of watercolor is found in the partnership between the artist and medium, of finding a balance between the knowledge, technique and skill of the painter while leaving room for the magic that makes watercolor so distinctive.  

If you would like to discover that MAGIC,
get past the fear of watercolor painting,
past the white paper staring at you syndrome,
past the I'll make a mistake and ruin my painting,
or past the I can't do that head trip than
click below to register for Mick's workshop:  


P.O. Box 6030

Annapolis, MD  21401

The Annapolis Watercolor Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  

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