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Annapolis Watercolor Club

Celebrating 50 Years of Promoting the Art of Watercolor Painting

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Upcoming exhibits

    • Tue, February 18, 2025
    • Sun, March 16, 2025
    • Annapolis Maritime Museum,723 Second St, Annapolis, MD 21403

    Fifty Years on the Chesapeake

    Annapolis Maritime Museum

    2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Annapolis Watercolor Club.  Our long-anticipated exhibit at the Annapolis Maritime Museum will be the first of a series of exhibits in celebration of this anniversary.

    Exhibit Dates:  February 18 - March 16, 2025

    Reception: Friday, February 21, 5:00 to 7:00 PM

    Awards Judge:  Moh'd Bilbeisi

    Information for exhibitors:                                  

    Registration (AWC members only) Deadline for entries January 11, 2025  NOTE: Registration is now closed; the limit has been reached.

    A digital photo (jpg format) of each entry is required for registration, as well as title and price. All paintings must be for sale.

    Receiving on Monday, February 17

    Pick up on Monday, March 17

    Entry fee for artists: $10.00 per painting; two paintings may be submitted by each artist

     There is a 30% commission on all sales.

    Subject matter: local ecology, marine or maritime theme, including, but not limited to: The Bay and its tributaries in any weather such as wind, fog, snow, ice, sunrise or sunset; shore lines; marshes; buildings; boats historic and modern, large and small, sail and power; working the Bay, fishing, crabbing, hunting; fish, crabs, waterfowl; sea nettles and other Bay inhabitants; retrievers. 

    Honor statement and waiver:  Artwork will not be accepted without a signed Waiver and Honor Statement.  You can download a PDF of the waiver here.

    Please note:  Art will be hanging at weddings and other public and private events and potentially photographed and shared amongst guests and the public on social media and other media platforms, possibly without acknowledgement of the artist.

    AWC Standards applying to this exhibit:           

    • Artwork Dimensions:  Maximum frame size in any direction is 48”
    • Frame:  Frames must be well selected, well cut and of professional quality, with wire for hanging, (no sawtooth hooks) with glass or Plexiglas. Artwork larger than 54 united inches (height plus width) must be framed behind Plexiglas or acrylic for safety.  Protective coating at artist’s discretion is acceptable.
    •  Identification:  Artwork must be identified with the Artist’s name, title of painting, Artist’s contact information (phone number and/or email) and price.This information should be placed on the back of the artwork.
    • Accepted Artwork:  All artwork must be totally original, created by the artist.
    • Media:  Transparent watercolor, acrylic (painted in thin watercolor manner) and gouache.
    • Mats:   Must be archival, white or off-white, well cut and clean.  A colored inner mat is permitted if double matted.
    • Support:  Artwork must be on paper or "synthetic paper".
    • Not accepted:  Reproductions, such as Giclées.  Copies or likenesses of another artist’s work, i.e.: painting, drawing, photo, in whole or in part.   Artwork created in workshops and classes, paintings shown in previous AWC Juried/Award Exhibits, and artwork painted more than three years previous to the date of exhibit.  Please note: directly copying another person's artwork or photograph is not permitted.

    • Sat, April 26, 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 1101 Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis
    • 25

    The AWC has once again been invited to participate in the
    Earth Day Festival at St. Luke’s Church, 1101 Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis(Eastport).   Save the date, Saturday, April 26 and plan to enter a painting relating to Earth Day. It is a one-day event filled with activities, talks and performances and always draws an enthusiastic crowd.

    Registration will open April 1st


    Entry Limit:      2 paintings per artist (space for 30 paintings total); 3 matted pieces and giclees per artist
    Entry fee:     $15
    Commission:     none; donations to church encouraged
    Entry deadline:
      April 16th or when maximum of 25 paintings has been reached
    Receiving:  TBA
    Pickup:        TBA

    The exhibit will be indoors and will showcase our paintings of  everything  in our natural world that we all treasure and want to preserve, woods, water, sky, plants, wild animals. The exhibit will be on display panels in the spacious lower level meeting room of the church.  We will also have bins for matted original paintings and gicleé reproductions.

    • Wed, May 21, 2025
    • Sun, July 06, 2025
    • The Galleries at Quiet Waters Park

    Golden Anniversary Exhibit at Quiet Waters Park

    2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Annapolis Watercolor Club.  Our long-anticipated exhibit at the Quiet Waters Park will be the highlight of a series of exhibits in celebration of this anniversary.

    Exhibit Dates:  May 21 - July 16, 2025

    Reception:  TBA

    Awards Judge:  TBA

    Save the date ad plan ahead to participate in our shimmering Golden Jubilee celebration!  The information here is preliminary and subject to change, and more information will be added as it becomes available. 

    The Galleries at Quiet Waters is a large space and comfortably holds 80 paintings.  This exhibit will be open to non-AWC members as well as AWC members.  AWC members will be able to register first before the general public.  There will be a juror who will select first, second, and third place award recipients for members and for non-members.

    All paintings must have gold (either paint or metallic leaf or other golden color).

    A presentation on the use of gold paint can be found here

       Information for Exhibitors   

    Registration:  Opens April 1 for AWC members and April 15 for non-members; deadline for entry will be April 21 or when the maximum total number of 80 paintings has been entered.

    Entry fee:  $15.00 per painting; two paintings may be submitted by each AWC member artist until the maximum of 55 paintings have been reached, and one painting by each non-member until the maximum of 25 paintings has been reached.

     There is a 25% commission on all sales.

    Subject matter:  All paintings must have gold (either paint or metallic leaf or other golden color).

    A presentation on the use of gold paint can be found here

    Honor statement and waiver:  Artwork will not be accepted without a signed Waiver and Honor Statement.  You can download a PDF of the waiver here.

Past Exhibits

Sat, November 16, 2024 Ginger Cove Exhibition 2024
Sat, April 27, 2024 Earth Day and the Arts at St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Sat, November 25, 2023 Ginger Cove Exhibition
Sun, September 17, 2023 Exhibition at Woods Church
Sat, April 22, 2023 Earth Day and the Arts at St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Mon, August 29, 2022 "Brushstrokes" Exhibit at Wimsey Cove Gallery


P.O. Box 6030

Annapolis, MD  21401

The Annapolis Watercolor Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  

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