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Annapolis Watercolor Club

Celebrating 50 Years of Promoting the Art of Watercolor Painting

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January Members' Meeting

  • Wed, January 12, 2022
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • On-line (Zoom)

Demonstrator:  Kathleen Lanzoni

"Poinsettia Star", Kathleen Lanzoni

6:30 - 7 pm:  Members' Painting Salon

Remember to send in your recent artwork by Dec 6th to
Andrea Naft. Note TITLE and SIZE. Back story
about painting to share is appreciated.

If you want to ask for opinions, the members can leave their
critiques in the chat room, which will be recorded and
emailed to the artists who participated in the Art Salon.

7:00 - 7:15 pm:  President, Linda Luke, gives club updates

7:15 - 8:30 pm:  Demonstration

Kathleen Lanzoni is an award winning signature member of the Colorado Watercolor Society, the Western Colorado Watercolor Society, the Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Society and the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies. She divides her time painting between the studio, Plein Air(outdoors on location) and on site murals.

Kathleen grew up in Montreal and California and has lived in Colorado for over 28 years. She was formally trained at the Art Institute of Boston and the Massachusetts College of Art, receiving a BFA.


P.O. Box 6030

Annapolis, MD  21401

The Annapolis Watercolor Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  

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