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Annapolis Watercolor Club

Celebrating 50 Years of Promoting the Art of Watercolor Painting

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Stevensville Plein Air

  • Wed, September 21, 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Stevensville, MD


Registration is closed

Sketching and Plein Air Event in Historic Stevensville

Grab your sketchbooks or easels and join hosts Carol Kramer and Carol Conrad for a September foray to Historic Stevensville, MD.    Founded  in 1850, Stevensville boasts about 100 historic structures.  Even the Bank is on the National Register of Historic Places.  Nearby Terrapin Park may also be included in the afternoon.  The park has a small beach and grand views of the Bay Bridge.

Restrooms, parking and eateries are all available.

This event is free but limited to 20 attendees.  Registrants will be sent specific information regarding meeting place.

Date:  September 21, 10am - 2pm
Please sign up by September 18th.

Rain date: September 28.


P.O. Box 6030

Annapolis, MD  21401

The Annapolis Watercolor Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  

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