Demonstrator: Pam Wenger
Our October meeting will feature a return of Pam Wenger. She is well known for her unique and beautiful portraits. We have not had a portrait painter in over a year and a half, and I believe you will be intrigued with what you learn.
Bio: Pam is a retired teacher who has always been drawn to portraits and figurative work. She has worked with local instructors and with watercolor artists, Ted Nuttall and Charles Reid. Pam counts many amazing artists among her friends. They keep her constantly inspired and challenged to grow in her craft.
Pam’s portrait paintings are her real love. She tries to connect with a person through their expression…their pose…their placement in the composition. Her work has been exhibited and won awards in National and Local shows, including the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, Pennsylvania’s “Art of the State”, Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, Splash Magazine, Artist’s Magazine, Watercolor Artist Magazine, and the Baltimore Watercolor Society’s Mid Atlantic Shows. Her art can be viewed at ,, and on Instagram -
6:30 - 7:00 pm: Salon, Andrea Naft
Please send in your recent artwork as jpeg files to our PowerPoint Master, Shannon Kelly, at Due date is Sunday, October 8. Please crop your photo appropriately. Note TITLE and SIZE. Back story about painting to share is appreciated.
During salon, members are encouraged to type their critiques in chat, which will be recorded and emailed to the artists who participated in the Art Salon.
7:00 - 7:15 pm: President, Juanita Green, gives club updates
7:15 - 8:30 pm: Demonstration