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Annapolis Watercolor Club

Celebrating 50 Years of Promoting the Art of Watercolor Painting

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November Members' Meeting

  • Wed, November 08, 2023
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • On-line (Zoom); Link will be sent day of meeting

Demonstrator:  Shannon Kelly

Shannon Kelly is known to us as an AWC Member and, currently, our Salon PowerPoint helper.  Shannon is an Atlanta-based watercolor artist with a hyper-realistic style.  She has worked as a public school teacher for 12 years before taking the leap into teaching and making art for a living.

She finds joy in painting people and animals and is drawn to exploring how nature infringes into the developed spaces in Atlanta.  Through her art, she strives to capture flashes of wonder, that quiet moment when one witnesses astonishing beauty and feels rooted in the now.  

Shannon is currently an artist in residence at Arts Beacon in the Grant Park neighborhood of Atlanta, where she teaches watercolor classes to teens and adults.

You can find her artwork under the name DaisyLions Studio.

6:30 - 7:00 pm:  Salon, Andrea Naft
Please send in your recent artwork as jpeg files to  our PowerPoint Master, Shannon Kelly, at  Due date is Sunday, November 5. Please crop your photo appropriately.  Note TITLE and SIZE. Back story about painting to share is appreciated.

During salon, members are encouraged to type their critiques in chat, which will be recorded and emailed to the artists who participated in the Art Salon.

7:00 - 7:15 pm:  President, Juanita Green, gives club updates

7:15 - 8:30 pm:  Demonstration


P.O. Box 6030

Annapolis, MD  21401

The Annapolis Watercolor Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  

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