St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Eastport is hosting a celebration of the arts on Earth Day, April 27, entitled “Restoring Our Love Of Nature Through the Arts”. This celebration includes a concert and artist's reception on Friday evening and a festival on Saturday from 10:00am to 3:00pm, rain or shine. All events are free. Invite your friends!
The Annapolis Watercolor Club has been invited back to participate in this celebration, along with performing artists, poets, writers, musicians, photographers, and other artists.
Entry Limit: 2 paintings per artist (space for 30 paintings total); 3 matted pieces and giclees per artist
Entry fee: $15
Commission: none; donations to church encouraged
Entry deadline: Extended to April 18
Receiving: Thursday, April 25th, 9am to noon
Pickup: Sunday, April 28th, noon to 3pm
The exhibit will be indoors and will showcase our paintings of everything in our natural world that we all treasure and want to preserve, woods, water, sky, plants, wild animals. If you wish, you might like to include a poem or prose that relates to your painting, and we will include that beside your painting. You may select a poem from this special selection by local poets, or any other that you select. This added a unique, and much appreciated, touch to the exhibit last year. The exhibit will be on display panels in the spacious lower level meeting room of the church. We will also have bins for matted original paintings and gicleé reproductions.
Please note: Artwork will not be accepted without a signed Waiver and Honor Statement. Take special note of item 2 on the waiver. You can download a PDF of the waiver here.
If you would be willing to donate a painting to the church’s raffle or silent auction that day, it will be appreciated and acknowledged. Please use the registration form to sign up where indicated. You will not be charged if you sign up to volunteer only.
There will be an opportunity for some plein air sketching or painting in the beautiful four-acre wooded property behind the church, with woodlands, a restoration stream and paths, while being serenaded by the abundant birds and frogs. There’s a restoration stream running through the woods, which at this time of year, is studded with blue phlox, bluebells and redbud trees, all in full bloom. We’ll have a table for displaying paintings or sketches done at that time. There’s no fee for this, so even if you’re not exhibiting, come out and paint. Please register separately under the Earth Day Plein Air Event if you’d like to participate in the plein air painting.