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Annapolis Watercolor Club

Celebrating 50 Years of Promoting the Art of Watercolor Painting

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December Members Meeting

  • Wed, December 11, 2024
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Seelos Hall Community Center at St. John Neumann Church, Annapolis

Holiday Party

Join us for the Annapolis Watercolor Club's annual Holiday Party Luncheon.  There will be decorations, a grab-bag gift exchange,  and a holiday themed Art Salon.  There will also be a catered lunch to include: petite sandwiches, charcuterie boards, and cruditie platters.

WHEN Wednesday, December 11, 2024  from 1:00PM - 4:00PM

WHERE:  Seelos Hall Community Center at  St. John Neumann Church

REGISTRATION:  Not required.

WHAT TO BRING:  Your favorite dessert to share, a holiday themed painting for the Art Salon, and a white elephant gift.

GIFT EXCHANGE:  If you wish to participate, bring a wrapped gift to exchange.  The gift should be art-related and gender-neutral, with a suggested value of around $25.

ART SALON:  Please bring your Holiday Themed paintings in process, or finished, for display at our in-person salon.

CHARITY DONATION:  Each year the AWC gives to a local charity.    This year we are giving to a charity affiliated with St. Mary's Church in Annapolis: Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministry.  For some years, the ministry has supported the needy local Hispanic population and immigrants from other countries.  You are encouraged to bring a wrapped art gift to our holiday party for children or young adults.  If you prefer, you may give a monetary donation on the St. Mary's Church website:


P.O. Box 6030

Annapolis, MD  21401

The Annapolis Watercolor Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  

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