The AWC has once again been invited to participate in the Earth Day Festival at St. Luke’s Church, 1101 Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis(Eastport). Save the date, Saturday, April 26 and plan to enter a painting relating to Earth Day. It is a one-day event filled with activities, talks and performances and always draws an enthusiastic crowd.
Registration will open April 1st
Entry Limit: 2 paintings per artist (space for 30 paintings total); 3 matted pieces and giclees per artist Entry fee: $15 Commission: none; donations to church encouraged Entry deadline: April 16th or when maximum of 25 paintings has been reached Receiving: TBA Pickup: TBA The exhibit will be indoors and will showcase our paintings of everything in our natural world that we all treasure and want to preserve, woods, water, sky, plants, wild animals. The exhibit will be on display panels in the spacious lower level meeting room of the church. We will also have bins for matted original paintings and gicleé reproductions.
P.O. Box 6030
Annapolis, MD 21401
The Annapolis Watercolor Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.